Tuesday, November 17, 2020
5:00PM PST
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Please support authors by purchasing Inside Story and A Wealth of Pigeons from Chevalier’s Books. Both authors will sign a limited number of bookplates for this event.
It’s clear that Martin Amis‘ life has been even more wildly captivating as his novels. In his new book, Inside Story, which he calls a “novelized autobiography.” Amis returns to his great influences in his life– to his beloved friend Christopher Hitchens, to his mentor and literary idol, Saul Bellow, and to the great poet, Philip Larkin. And of course to his father, Kingsley Amis. And there are of course the women and sex.
This novel– or autobiography– which toggles between his real life friends and family, and the fictionalized characters who move his own extraordinary story forward, give us a most direct perspective, a most personal insight via a novel, into who Martin Amis really is. Amis knows better than anyone how to tell a great story. And his Inside Story is full of his searing wit, and wrenching tenderness.
Steve Martin. One of the funniest writers on the planet. One of the funniest actors on earth. A great musician. A wonderful composer and playwright. A television series creator. So why not tackle something new? In A Wealth of Pigeons, a book created with Harry Bliss, cartoonist for The New Yorker, Steve and Harry collaborate on one-panel cartoons and captions that are, not surprisingly, really really funny. Read the recent New York Times profile on Martin and Bliss.