Wednesday, October 28, 2020
5:00PM PDT
Watch the conversation here:
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Who is Joe Biden? Evan Osnos, National Book Award winner and frequent contributor to The New Yorker, has given us profiles of the Democratic Presidential nominee for a decade.
In his 50 year political career, Biden has been called the luckiest–and unluckiest–guy in American politics. Lucky to have sustained a landmark career not without some missteps, but wise enough to know to recognize those missteps, and flexible enough to evolve in his thinking. And unlucky in his massive personal family losses and political disappointments. In interviews with former competitors, with colleagues including President Obama, and with some opponents, Osnos not only delivers a complex portrait of Joe Biden as a resolute and deeply moral man for the moment, but assesses the challenges he’ll face if he wins this race of a lifetime.
In conversation with journalist Jessica Yellin, who was chief White House Correspondent for ABC News, and later for CNN. She is also the author of Savage News, a novel published last year.