Wednesday, July 15, 2020
10:00 AM PDT
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We urge you to purchase a copy of Begin Again: James Baldwin’s America and Its Urgent Lessons for Our Own from Eso Won Bookstore here.
In conversation with Don Cheadle. Don Cheadle is an award-winning actor, author, and activist.
“We have to decide, once and for all, whether or not we will truly be a multiracial democracy,” TIME columnist, frequent MSNBC contributor, and Princeton University’s Chair of African American Studies, Eddie Glaude writes in Begin Again. Could Eddie Glaude have asked for a more perfect or timely moment for a book about Donald Trump’s presidency vis-a-vis race relations, and the national response to Trump domestic politics, to be published? This book covers so much more than Trump’s politics: it covers American history, James Baldwin at its core, and our current moment of racism, at its boiling point.
How did we get to this moment in 2020? It was waiting to happen, simmering, Glaude writes, and Trump pulled the lid off. Even for the uninitiated in terms of James Baldwin and his writings, Eddie Glaude pulls the reader in with a dizzying force. As the reader races through Begin Again, we ask ourselves, what do those words, Make America Great Again, and Keep America Great, mean? As Glaude weaves in James Baldwin’s writings, we see that 50 years later, they’re more meaningful than ever before.
We urge you to purchase a copy of Begin Again from Eso Won Bookstore here.