September 21, 2016. 7:30 pm. Buy tickets here. At the Writers Guild Theater, 135 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211.
Ticket without book, $20.
(Books cannot be shipped.)
New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd has made it her business to get under the skin of Presidents and presidential candidates– as well as candidates who might not seem so presidential. She is a thorn in the side of everyone who is in power or has designs on power. Like it or not, Maureen Dowd speaks truth to power, even when she pricks holes in those we admire. In her new book, The Year of Voting Dangerously: The Derangement of American Politics, Dowd takes on the psychology– and psychopathology– of this most unusual Presidential race. Dowd has covered Donald Trump since the 1990’s, and has of course had her fun with the Clintons. In this year of high unfavorables, Dowd’s biting humor and incisive analysis of the 2016 Presidential race reinforce the unsettling fact that this is the strangest campaign in modern American history.
Todd Purdum is a national editor and political correspondent for Vanity Fair, and was White House Correspondent for the New York Times for several years of the (Bill) Clinton administration. He was also the Los Angeles Bureau Chief for the New York Times. He has covered the candidates, and especially Hillary Clinton, for Vanity Fair a great deal in the past few months. He is the author of An Idea Whose Time Has Come: Two Presidents, Two Parties, and the Battle for the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Fun fact: Todd is married to Dee Dee Myers, former press secretary to President Clinton. Word has it that their relationship is the basis for the relationship between C.J. and Danny Concannon on The West Wing.