May 2, 7:30 pm: Francine Prose with Mark Richard

Francine Prose is simply one of the best storytellers around. Reading Like A Writer is almost a bible for would-be novelists.  And part of that bible tells would-be writers to read great novels.  They should start with Francine Prose.  Her novels are diverse and often hilarious, and always provocative.  Take a favorite of ours, Blue Angel, a scathing satire on the whole of academia, from self-serving professors to overindulged and talentless students, to the politically correct, and sometimes even admirable administrative policies (such as sexual…

May 12, 7:30 pm: Betty White with Carl Reiner SOLD OUT

Betty White is hot. Hot in Cleveland, to be sure, but really Hot in LA.  In her new book, If You Ask Me (And Of Course You Won’t), Betty tells us something remarkable: that she came to the Mary Tyler Moore Show for a one-time appearance, in the fourth season.  She ended up staying for the duration of the run, for three additional seasons.  But in most seasons in which she appeared, Betty turned up in only five or six episodes.  Her impact on the…

April 11, 7:30pm: Jacqueline Winspear, Cara Black, David Kipen

April 11, 7:30 pm: Jacqueline Winspear and Cara Black in conversation with David Kipen Two private detectives, Maisie Dobbs and Aimee Leduc, live in two different eras and in two different countries.  They are both enormously popular,  extraordinarily delightful and take us into two vastly different ways of solving crimes. Jackie Winspear sets her Maisie Dobbs mysteries in the interwar years in and around London.  Maisie does have a telephone, and does have the occasional use of an automobile, but high tech ends there. World…

From Louboutin to Converse: Cara Black on her Aimee Leduc, in the darker side of Paris

Cara Black, author of so many delightful Aimee LeDuc novels that take place in Paris, provides an introduction to her delightful main character. Below, Cara reveals Aimee’s unconventional family background, her inventive sense of style, and above all, her compulsion to solve murders in the world’s most beautiful and increasingly complex city.  Come to our event and meet  Cara and Jacqueline Winspear on April 11. The soft apricot light hits the zinc rooftops at sunset, butter smells emanate from the bakery, the Seine gurgles below,…

Michael Connelly and John Romano- April 5, 7:30 pm

You know you’re desperate for another Michael Connelly novel when you’re walking on a city street, see a Lincoln Town Car, in a town full of Lincoln Town Cars, and wonder if perhaps itinerant attorney Mickey Haller is conducting his law practice inside the car.  You know you’re desperate for that new Michael Connelly novel when you just assume that Mickey Haller is on his way to or from trouble or dodging a bullet, or perhaps just preparing a brief.  But wait! If trouble is…

Feb. 8: Peggy Orenstein with Lori Gottlieb

Peggy Orenstein writes about what women and girls, and mothers and daughters, should think about.  Her beat includes really anything that matters to women: issues of weight, sex, career, motherhood, investments, relationships, social networks and more—and not in that order.  You’ve read her pieces in The New York Times Magazine, and if you haven’t, start reading.  Her new book, Cinderella Ate My Daughter: Dispatches From the Front Lines of Girlie-Girl Culture,  examines the alarming new “princessmania” of our culture that drives little girls, young girls…