Tuesday, August 11, 2020
5:00 PM PDT
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Set the Night on Fire: L.A. in the Sixties is available through Eso Won Bookstore, and as always, we thank them for their partnership.
Set the Night on Fire: L.A In the Sixties is a must-read for anyone who remembers Los Angeles in the Sixties, for anyone who proudly calls L.A. home now, and for anyone interested in the era. Move over, Beach Boys. Mike Davis (City of Quartz) and Jon Wiener (Gimme Some Truth: The John Lennon F.B.I. Files) have crafted a thrilling history of the sixties in Los Angeles: Los Angeles was ground zero for counterculture, Black Power, Chicano liberation, gay rights, women’s liberation. It was home to influential and needling alternative papers such as the Freep, or L.A. Free Press, whose offbeat reporting and wide circulation rankled the city’s power base.
Davis and Wiener remind us that L.A. in the sixties was a richly complex city that shook the world on so many fronts: while it was the glam and image capital of the world, it was also a national center of activism and revolt — from high schoolers to neighborhood leaders, to artists and musicians, from the Sunset Strip to Watts. Note that August 11 is the 55th anniversary of the start of the Watts Rebellion.

In conversation with Robin Kelley, who is the Gary B. Nash Professor of American History at UCLA. Kelley studies American and African-American history, with an interest in radical political movements and political dynamics within music and the visual arts. Kelley has authored many books, including Thelonious Monk: The Life and Times of an American Original.