Writers Bloc Presents
Edward St. Aubyn
Thursday, June 3, 2021
12:00PM PDT
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Edward St. Aubyn‘s The Patrick Melrose novels are among the most acclaimed novels in recent memory for a reason: they’re thrilling, hilarious, wrenching, and brutally satirical– sometimes all on the same page. St. Aubyn’s novel, Lost for Words, is a wildly funny lampoon of literary awards and celebrity, and you will never again be able to take major arts awards seriously after reading it. Ever. Any new Edward St. Aubyn novel is cause for celebration. Double Blind, St. Aubyn’s latest, concerns some recent Oxford graduates, and the confounding choices they make. St. Aubyn, as always, delights us with his satire about excess, wealth, and posers, and takes us into deeper discussions about neuroscience, environmental issues, and venture capitalism. If you have never read Edward St. Aubyn, start right now. He is a breathtaking novelist.