Writers Bloc and the Beverly Hills Bar Association Present
Senator Chris Murphy with Shannon Watts
Monday, June 14, 2021
5:00PM PDT
Watch the conversation here:
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It’s time to talk about guns. Again. What is it about America and guns? Each DAY, there are multiple horrible incidents. Why is that supermarkets, movie theaters, offices, dance clubs, churches and synagogues are prey to men with guns? From where does this violence stem? Senator Chris Murphy (D- Conn) was elected to the United States Senate in 2012, following the massacre at Sandy Hook, which he represented as a young Connecticut Congressman. One of the loudest, clearest, and most insistent voices in the Senate about gun violence prevention, Murphy says enough is enough; in a country where 100 Americans die each day from guns, where 100,000 Americans are shot and injured each year, and where over 36,000 Americans die each year from guns, we need to discuss sensible gun measures, and the time is now. In The Violence Inside Us: A Brief History of an American Tragedy, Senator Murphy looks at our love of guns, our history of protecting guns, and our obsession with violence. This is a deeply personal story for Murphy– before Sandy Hook, gun violence prevention was just another item on his to-do list. After Sandy Hook, it became his imperative.

Shannon Watts is the founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, a nonprofit movement she created after the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. Under her leadership, Moms Demand Action has grown to have chapters in every state, and fights for legislative action on gun violence prevention.
Co-presented with:

Senator Chris Murphy photo credit: Jocelyn Augustino
Shannon Watts photo credit: Chris Langford